
President – James (Jim) Stofleth

Vice President – Mike Sloat

Treasurer – Diana Walters

Secretary – Rodney Riecken



The Retired Policemen & Firemen Association

Of Evansville, Indiana Inc.

Organized at Evansville, Indiana


March 11, 1963

Chartered #1 State of Indiana 1971

Lt. (Ret) Eugene C, Carlile

Evansville Police Department

By-Law Committee Chairman

January 1, 1997



                Organized at Evansville, Indiana

March 11, 1993                  Chartered #1

State of Indiana                                1971


In 1959, a group of Policemen and Firemen met for the purpose of organizing an association. Out of this meeting came the association of The Retired Policemen and Firemen Association of Evansville, Indiana, which was then set up in charter form on March 11, 1963.

On March 3, 1971, a State Charter was granted and then became The Retired Policemen and Firement of Indiana.

The following members were duly elected our first officers of The Retired Policemen and Firemen of Evansville, Indiana:

President………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Matt Brite

1st Vice President…………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….Euphis Young

2nd Vice President…………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..Frank Friehaut

Treasurer………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Orval Weber


Glen Ruckman

Waldo Zwickel

Al Nuhring

Walter Giannini


WHEREAS: We the members of The Retired Policemen and Firemen Association of Evansville, Indiana and affiliated departments, do hereby unite under the name of The Retired Policemen and Firemen Association of Evansville, Indiana for the following purpose:

The purpose of this organization is to associate ourselves together for the welfare of out members, their wives, widows, children, and any other dependent; and also, for the welfare of all law enforcement and fire department members of Indiana.


  1. Opening – Prayer and Allegiance
  2. Roll Call of Officers
  3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Committee Reports
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
  8. Good of the Order
  9. Adjournment


Article I


This organization shall be known as The Retired Policemen and Firemen Association of Evansville, Indiana, Inc. and shall be also known as Chapter One of The Retired Policemen and Firemen Association of Indiana, Inc. and shall conform to its’ rules and regulations.

Article II


Officers of the organization shall consist of the President, Immediate Past President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Four Trustees.

Article III


In accordance with the Parent State Organization’s rules, regulations and By-Laws, conferences will be attended. Information given at such conferences and meetings shall become a part of the Chapters’ meetings.

Article IV


The organization shall be governed by By-Laws which have been duly set in place by the membership, and such By-Laws shall not conflict with By-Laws set forth by the Parent State Organization.


Article I


SECTION 1.          Retired persons from Law Enforcement Agencies and regularly retired persons from the Evansville Fire Department shall be eligible for membership in the organization, subject to the provisions of the By-Laws of this order. No person shall be denied membership on account of race, creed or sex.

The term “retired person” shall include those retired by disability under honorable conditions.

SECTION 2.          The Evansville Chapter of the State Organization shall have one member for each fifty (50) persons in membership to represent the Chapter at State meetings. This representation shall be in order from the President as number one, 1st Vice President as number two and 2nd Vice President as number three. Additional representation shall be from the membership by appointment by the President.

Article II


SECTION 1.          The Officers of the Association shall be an Immediate Past President, President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and four Trustees. The 1st Vice President shall be from the opposite department than the President and the 2nd Vice President shall be from the opposite department than the 1st Vice President.

SECTION 2.          All Officers shall be elected for a term of one year. The President, 1st Vice President and 2nd Vice President can serve two consecutive terms only. The other officers can continue to serve year after year if elected. The Trustees shall be two elected from the Police retires and two elected from the Fire retirees .The incoming President must be from the opposite department of the outgoing President.

SECTION 3.          Nominations for Officers will be made at the October meeting. Elections will be at the November meeting, with installations at the December meeting or the Association’s annual Christmas party. The newly elected officers will take office beginning January 1st.

SECTION 4.          In event of death or resignation of any Officer, the President shall appoint a member in good standing to fill the vacancy with the concurrence of the board. The Board shall consist of the Immediate Past President, the President, the 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents and the Secretary, Treasurer and the Four Trustees. If the President is unable to fulfill his or her responsibilities for any reason, the 1st Vice President shall be immediately elevated to the office of the President. The 2nd Vice President  shall be immediately elevated to the office of 1st Vice President and the new President shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy of the 2nd Vice President from the opposite department than the new 1st Vice President.